About Taiwan

Geography & Climate

Taiwan is situated in the Pacific Ocean about 160km from the southeastern coast of China.

Located about midway between Korea and Japan to the north and Hong Kong and Phillipines to the south. Taiwan is in a subtropical climate zone.

The average temperature is 23 degrees Celcius (73.4 degress Fahrenheit) and rising to 35 degrees (95 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer. The northern part of the island has a rainy season lasting from January to late March, including "Mei-Yu" in May. As to the entire island, June through September is the hottest, most humid time of year.

Natural hazards such as typhoons, mostly occor in summer, and earthquakes are common in the region.

General Information

The Island

See Also

For more information, see this excellent website from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau: http://eng.taiwan.net.tw/