2012 Album
12.01.2012 TAE Potluck
10.27.2012 Potluck
TAE Potluck, Sept. 30th, 2012 中秋節
TAE Potluck and the 4th annual Bao Zongzi event 包粽子on July 14th, 2012 at the Many Nations Longhouse at the University of Oregon. Many members and friends turned up for this special event. More than 300 zong-zi were made! A potluck feast was enjoyed by all.
Members enjoying an outing together.
TAE potluck, April 14, 2012
TAE potluck, February 25, 2012
Asian Celebration, February 18th and 19th, 2012 at the Lane County Fairgrounds. TAE booth is visited by many over the two-day event.
TAE potluck, January 21, 2012